Tuesday, February 21, 2006

No More Fear

Beginning now I will no longer use terms such as shrub, the vp, repugs, rethugs, etc. Not that these aren't descriptive and accurate, but for two other reasons.

First is search engines. If you are looking for "Bush budget 2007" you won't "hit" me. I do want your hits because I think I may have something to tell you.

Second is fear. I've spent my whole life, as have you, living with fears. Mine may be the same as yours. They are or were fear of:

My father and don't get me started.
Girls. Overcame much of that one.
Dying with no insurance.
Dying with insurance.
Missing my flight which happened at Narita in Tokyo and resulted in a horrible 24 hour wait.
Carbonless paper.
Internal Revenue Service.
Looking stupid.
Growling dogs.

Enough already. You get the idea.

If I use real names and real organisation names/office titles, I may get a place on the infamous list of 350,000 people who are "watched" by the US government. Maybe I will be denied boarding of a plane or re-entry to the US. Not sure what all could come of it.

However, I think it is clear I have enough fears. Terrorists is not one of them. Hell, where I am it is quite possible my neighbor is a terrorist. I don't know, but it wouldn't surprise me. I don't need another fear and I will not fear the US government. That is not an option. I criticise Bush and his horrible regime and do it because it is my right to do so. Fuck 'em if they can't take the heat (ok, I can't be considered "heat"). Fuck 'em if they don't like what I say.

Most bloggers and commenters already open themselves up to scrutiny and I will use their bravery to bolster my own.

Oh yeah, I still won't capitalise bush, rice, cheney. I will capitalise the offices, but not if I'm referring to "the" vice president. This won't screw up the searches, but it will indicate I have no respect for these people. I respect the Presidency, but not the office holder at all.


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