Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Self Important much?

Don't think blogs make a difference? Well that's because you aren't familiar with this site which practically assured Alito or someone like him would become a Supreme.

If you think I'm joking, just take a look.


As somebody who has publicly backed Alito as the best choice for the high court since way back in October of 2004, I take particular pleasure in this triumph. But without this site, we would right now be seeing the confirmation of some second-rater, made necessary by the defeat that Harriet Miers would have suffered by a combination of mean dems and principled GOPers, which would have weakened Bush too much to make a strong choice like Alito. Without this site, the pressure on Miers probably would not have been great enough to cause a withdrawal by that estimable lady. So congrats to Confirm Them, and congrats to Justice Alito!


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