Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Way To Go Bush

North Korea shows intelligence by stating they will build their nuclear arsenal because Bush professes a need for preemptive attacks.

The Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) on Tuesday vowed to build nuclear armed forces for self-defense against possible U.S. preemptive nuclear attack.

A signed commentary of the DPRK's official newspaper Minju Joson denounced a U.S. national security strategy report, which regards the DPRK as an "outpost of tyranny."

In an unusual display of clear-headed thinking kim Jong Ill has declared he will build up his nuclear abilities to defend his country from Bush. Obviously Bush believes in preemption and has used it. If a neighbor who hates you won't talk to you and buys a gun, wouldn't you?

Maybe words are just not tools Bush knows how to use. Diplomacy and discussion do work, but Bush seems to only understand brute force. It brings up the trite example that when you have only a hammer, everything looks like a nail.

I agree Kim Jong Ill is dangerous.
He wields absolute power over the world's fourth-largest army in one of the most volatile regions on the planet.

But that's the primary reason to talk with him and not push him into a corner.

How many new, significant nuclear powers will develop before Bush leaves office? Worse, much worse yet, how many might use those nuclear devices?


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