Saturday, May 06, 2006

Kennedy. Kennedy? How Many Are There?

Why do I think of rabbits when I see the name Kennedy?

I'm linking to this non-story. Non-story because not enough's known now except there was an accident involving a Kennedy. Ok, so a Kennedy does make it a story. My mistake.

I do have to point out one sentence. There are really two, but only one's pertinent.
He planned to return to Rhode Island on Friday in hopes of defusing the controversy surrounding the Thursday morning crash, including allegations he got special treatment from police who did not administer field sobriety tests. Kennedy has denied asking for any favorable police treatment. [emphasis mine]

Come on morons. He's a news magnet. Follow normal procedure and administer the fucking test. I don't care if he's a Dem and a Kennedy [redundant- ed]. He plays by the rules set out for all of US.

This is probably a picture of the guy. I've never met him and probably won't after this post.

I'm not sure, but I'd guess there's more than one Patrick Kennedy in the US. Probably more than one Patrick J Kennedy. I think its really him because he has the requisite flag behind him. And the dark suit. And the rosy cheeks and red nose of someone who's been drinking. Now who the hell wrote that last sentence? Jill? Are you here?

Enough of that fun shit. I'll wait for the investigation. Patrick claims he was on prescription meds which cause drowsiness and it was in the early morning. I've been there and meds can fuck you up big time and you never know when they'll kick in. I hope this turns out well for Mr Kennedy and hope it turns out to be justice.


Blogger jurassicpork said...

In a press seance, Mary Jo Kopechne was quoted as saying, "I'm sick and tired of the Kennedys killing me over and over and over again."

5/08/2006 10:19:00 AM  

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