Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Another Bushco Legacy. As If We Needed Another

It seems State has lost decades of experience.
A reorganization of the State Department offices that are leading the fight against weapons of mass destruction was badly managed and politicized, which led to a flight of experts with decades of knowledge, according to a new account by a veteran weapons expert.

Dean Rust, who watched the reorganization unfold, charges that its ''botched implementation'' led many career officers to leave and ``will hamper the State Department's role at home and abroad for years to come.''

Someone's gonna spend many years mopping up after Bushco.

I have a question for anyone reading this. Can Bushco do anything right? Even as screwed up and weird as I am, I occassionally get it right.

We need a term for an anti-Midas. A term for people whose every touch turns things to shit.

And who was in charge of the reorg? Condi Rice. So she would make a good president? Yeah, sure she would. She'd be about as good as the current idiot.


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