OK, Sometimes Bushco Does Think Clearly

It hurts to post this, but its sensible.
With Congress still deadlocked over immigration reform, the Bush administration plans to announce new regulations today in a move to strengthen enforcement efforts designed to prevent the hiring of illegal immigrants.
The new rules target the way companies deal with employees and their records. Lackluster implementation of laws on illegal hiring contributed to the failure of earlier immigration overhauls and, administration officials say, continues to undermine attempts to control illegal immigration.
President Bush has repeatedly urged Congress to create a worker verification system that is effective but easy for employers to use.
Both the Senate and House bills propose sweeping changes in work-site enforcement, including hefty fines and criminal penalties for employers who hire illegal workers.
The administration's new regulations take a more detailed approach, aiming to simplify procedures for employers and to close loopholes exploited by those who hire illegally. As federal regulations, they do not require passage by Congress. [emphasis mine]
You probably can't spot counterfeit money. How about a counterfeit social security card or drivers license? Remember, of course, there are 50 different styles of driver licenses. If a worker verification system is really secure and difficult to reproduce, employers would have a better chance of honestly hiring only legal workers. This should also lead to fair pay because legal workers can't be blackmailed into working for slave wages.
Just "securing the border" can't work if there's no emphasis on eliminating the job opportunities for illegals.
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