Monday, June 26, 2006

Troop Withdrawl With Dignity

Bushco constantly says they won't "cut-and-run" from Iraq. To withdraw the troops would be an admission of having been wrong which they most assuredly were. By any objective measure, they were astonishingly wrong. They were criminally wrong. They were morally wrong. They were disasterously wrong. They were always wrong.I could go on, but won't.

So how do you maintain your position and hold onto your dignity? Let's see. Hmmm. Got it. Have your puppet in Iraq say he wants a timetable for troop withdrawl. After all, jorgie has said we would leave if asked to by the elected government of Iraq.

Now it will take some time to draft such a plan so...

What? General Casey has one? Within hours of Maliki's announcement there's a plan? How could anyone draft a useful plan for withdrawl within hours? No matter. We've got one.

Bullshit with steam on it. That plan has long been in the works. Bushco knows the American public is losing patience and will demand a withdrawl by voting against Repugs who back the idiot's "stay the course". They have to withdraw at least some troops before November.

But they needed a trigger to put the plan into action. I would bet my left nut the 5 hours in Iraq included an order to Maliki to put a withdrawl request in his announcement if in fact they had not already told him to. Ask US to leave so we can do it and not lose face.

Oh yeah, I said they need to withdraw at least some troops before November? Casey's plan just "happens" to begin withdrawl in September. Checking the calendar I see September not only comes before November, but there's another month in between those those 2 months. So Repugs are set free 2 months before the polls. They don't have to mention "stay the course". It will be like the whole war is nearly over.

Just for the tinfoil hat crowd. This was all most likely orchestrated from the start by Rove. Pound away the message that the Repugs are strong and would never be quitters. Because no one likes, uh, ya know, quitters. But the Dems would definitely "cut-and-run" (the only way they said it, btw). Get your puppet to ask jorgie to leave. And as a good superpower would do, he obliges.

Anyway that's how I would have done it.


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