Thursday, July 20, 2006

Smack Those Sinful Manifestations Out Of Your Kid

This is the latest fundie crap. I wonder if they were some of the ones complaining back in 1994 when Michael P Fay, an American, was caned in Singapore for theft and vandalism?
A Christian group urging parents to smack their children, using discipline sessions lasting up to 15 minutes, has been accused of promoting what amounts to child abuse.

Family Integrity has produced a controversial eight-page booklet on how to use physical punishment under the present law.

Parents are told that smacking can be a "10-to-15-minute process" and that if a child reacts angrily, such as by slamming doors or "pouting", they should be smacked again.

"Smacking is meant to drive the foolishness, the sinful manifestations, out of the child's personality so that they do not become permanent fixtures," it says.

Smacking is justified because children younger than age eight "do not think straight" and lack a developed sense of fair play and duty.

(read more)