Sunday, July 02, 2006

We Have To Pull Our Troops Out Of Iraq

Yeah, yeah. You've heard that before. But the latest incident of alleged rape/murder is indicative of what's to come. These poor souls (our troops, not to mention the Iraqis) are in an impossible situation and are being driven to madness by it. Fuck Bushco! They made a mistake and should have the balls to admit it and save our troops and innocent Iraqi people.
The accumulation of these attacks on innocent Iraqis by U.S. soldiers on Iraqi citizens puts the rest of our soldiers in greater danger -- as if the danger isn't already great enough.

Those investigating this "incident" believe it was planned as much as a week in advance and was nothing short of premeditated murder. Our troops aren't monsters, but some are slowly becoming monsters. What else can we expect when unfit people are sent into hostile territory?

Via AMERICAblog.


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