Wednesday, October 11, 2006

The Elephant In The Room

This is a pretty comprehensive roundup of all things Foley:
There's a lot about the Mark Foley / Congressional page scandal that requires scrutiny and discussion, starting with the initial post on this weblog that led to a series of responses (1, 2, 3) that led to the initial ABC report and the more explicit revelations that followed.

I told you it was pretty comprehensive, what with all the links and such.

But the point I want to make is the holier-than-thou attitude of many bloggers including me. And the same attitude among the lefty pols. The Dems knew about Foley too. How could they have not? DC is a small, company town where everyone knows everything that's going on.

That said, I do feel the more culpable actors in this drama are the Repugs. It was "one of theirs" who was doing the preying and it was their responsibility to stop it. Sure the Dems should have intervened and maybe some did, but it was not their primary responsibility as it was for the Repug leadership. Nor did they have the clout required to sanction or dismiss this guy. Ultimately this is an elephant problem.

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