The fascinating internets
Someone visited my site from the results of this search. I didn't even recall posting about Alex Munter.
Have I mentioned how absolutely atrocious I am at remembering names?
Careful kids, this stuff is out there forever.
Rojak posts, mostly political.
"A writer is a person for whom writing is more difficult than it is for other people." -- Thomas Mann
If so, I must be a writer.
posted by SPIIDERWEB™ at 11/15/2006 09:13:00 AM Social bookmark this
Spent many years programming, mostly mainframes. Been in business for myself, sky dived, scuba dived, practiced karate (until the broken ribs & finger), driven a sprint car (unreal). Want the US to be great again and worry it's impossible. I consider myself a moderate because I believe most Americans don't approve of torture, do want everyone to have health care, a pension and/or a job, privacy, freedom and NO WAR. Not too radical. I use profanity like a sailor so you should leave if you are sensitive.
I hear ya loud and clear!
Opinion O Mine's
Irregardless my nose wriggles and I feel the corners of mine's lips rise as the muscles of the cheeks flex when I visit your site....I just felt expressing that somewhat slightly to a degree necessary or atleast formidably compelling *wink*
Peace and best wishes!
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