Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Get Yer Program Here. Can't Tell The Players Without A Program

I really doubt I can find all the fights going on among the Repugs, but I'll point to some of them. First Rove:
White House Deputy Chief of Staff Karl Rove expressed frustration Monday over Florida GOP gubernatorial candidate Charlie Crist's decision not to appear with President Bush at a rally in Pensacola.

And in this corner we have New York party leaders.
Anticipating historic political losses in New York tomorrow, state Republican leaders are lashing out at the national party in Washington, saying it has exploited New York donors and blown opportunities against a prime target, Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton.

And other Repug leaders attack dear leader:
But experienced Republican political leaders privately grumble that Bush has only underscored Iraq as the preeminent issue, adding that he would have done better to get lost for the past two weeks.

How about Peter Hoekstra:
House Intelligence Chairman Peter Hoekstra criticized the Bush administration on Sunday for its handling of a trove of once-secret documents from Saddam Hussein's covert nuclear program disclosed on a federal Web site.

Hoekstra, R-Mich., complained the U.S. intelligence community hadn't properly declassified the documents.

"Well, you know, we have a process in place. It looks like they screwed up," he said on CNN's "Late Edition."

Then there's Richard Armitage:
Senior former White House official today predicted that the Republicans would suffer heavy losses in the midterm elections, despite polls showing a cut in the Democratic party's lead.

The former US deputy secretary of state Richard Armitage - a Republican who opposed the Iraq war - said his party would pay the price for presenting an "angry face" to the world after the September 11 attacks.

And Paul M. Weyrich:
“Let me put it to you this way,” Mr. Bush said at the time. “I earned capital in the campaign, political capital, and now I intend to spend it.”

Today, the political capital Mr. Bush intended to spend is so vastly diminished that one longtime ally, the conservative organizer Paul M. Weyrich, estimated it at “zero” in an interview on Friday.

And the evangelicals too:
"Two years ago or four years ago, many Christians just presumed that when the administration led us to war it was a just war," Nathan said in an interview. "But how can we claim to follow the Prince of Peace and be led so easily into war?"

"I think a lot of things have changed here. There's a broadening of the evangelical agenda," Nathan said. "There is a growing questioning of the wisdom of going to war in Iraq. It's something I hear regularly from evangelical Christians."

I could go on forever, but gotta pee [Etymology: euphemism from the initial letter of piss sometimes vulgar]. Hahaha, you go Merriam-Webster. You can find other examples of said cat fights with a little surfing.

Ooh! And cat blogging as an extra added bonus. Teh kewl.


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