Monday, November 13, 2006

The Rise and Fall of the American Empire

Good headline? For your consideration:
We are not concerned here with the implausible scenario of a Soviet-style collapse of the American superpower, perhaps induced at the hands of the rising East. Nor is it about the destruction of the US. Rather than thinking in such unrealistic black-and-white terms, the reader should consider whether the current US global position of dominance is at risk, not the existence of the US as a superpower.

Too many persons have become captive to thinking merely in terms of of black and white - the US destroys Russia and/or China, or conversely, they destroy the US. Or, the US economy collapses in ruins or else it upholds its global dominance, with no consideration given to any eventuality somewhere between those two ends.

The US need not be destroyed or suffer a collapse as did the Soviet Union in order to lose its top global position. It could well come about with a sufficient and permanent loss of US global political, economic and military leverage (the ability on the ground on an ongoing basis to successfully seduce and/or otherwise compel the world's players either to align with or else refrain from opposing US interests and goals), as the reader will see in the analysis that follows.

Read the news or surf with Google. China, India, NoKorea, Africa, Indonesia. All of these countries are making alliances. What becomes of the US when 1/2 the world is aligned? This is ignoring Cuba and South America. China is playing the game of plolitiks very well. Bushco is destroying any chance for US to form partnerships with anyone except Britain, Australia and Canada. Duh! Not exactly an overwhelming alliance now is it? Just asking.

BTW, the pic is titled The Fall of Rome.

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