Friday, December 15, 2006

Are the Dems still jealous of the GOP?

Are they so jealous they intend to mirror their incompetence with incompetence of their own? This sounds exactly like things Bush would do.
As you are surely aware by now, when asked by CQ's national security editor whether al Qaeda is Sunni or Shia, Mr. Reyes answered, “Predominantly -- probably Shiite.” As the reporter clarified in print with more than a trifle disgust: "He couldn't have been more wrong. Al Qaeda is profoundly Sunni" (italics original. The secular split, incidentally, was over Mohammed's proper line of succession. The Shia -- a word meaning "followers of Ali" -- believe in a family bloodline or God's appointed imams, while Sunnis -- from "followers of the Prophet's traditions" -- believe in a meritocratic line, which was, in fact, how the first caliph was chosen).

There's no reason you should have known that, but every reason an intelligence chair should have.


Just as embarrassing is Nancy Pelosi's peculiar mismanagement. Wouldn't you, as speaker of the House, want to grill your appointee to head the intelligence committee before appointing him? Wouldn't you first want to know what he knows about the troublemakers in trouble spots in which young Americans are dying daily? Wouldn't you insist on subject proficiency? Wouldn't you want to vet his knowledge at least a smidgeon, before presenting him as a principal Democratic face of a "New Direction"?

If Pelosi did vet this hapless, $165,200-a-year featherweight, she should have dismissed his consideration out of hand. If she didn't bother, she has no business appointing anybody to anything.

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