Sunday, December 24, 2006

I hate George W Bush

No new news there. Its pretty obvious. Its also pretty obvious I've now, if not before this, been added to a couple "lists" the government maintains on "unacceptable" Americans.

Now I do want to make something crystal clear. My hatred for Bush is justified and I'll not document why. Further, should Clinton, Obama, Gore, Dean or any other Democratic candidate be elected to the POTUS and should the Senate and House become Dem I'm fine with that.

But and this is a but bigger than J-Lo's butt, should that president commit half the heinous crimes (HCs) Bush has, hell, one fourth the HCs Bus has, I'll ride his ass until s/he has hemorrhoids.

We just need a POTUS and Congress who will take care of US and quit screwing US because they can.


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