Monday, December 04, 2006

Women are bitches and don't belong in politics

That title should upset a few people.

This is a follow up to my last post.

Can anyone name me one woman who the MSM champions? Just one? Pelosi? Hardly. Clinton? Don't make me laugh. Feinstien? Not a chance. Boxer? A Califorian? You have to, like, gotta be kidding, totally dude.

The MSM hates women in power positions in politics. They cut them no slack in any situation. When a woman shows strength and intelligence she's being a ball-buster or worse. Remember when Ann Richardson was being slammed as a lesbian because she fought for lesbian rights?

The truth is, women offer different perspectives on issues and offer much to the dialogue. This ignoring the fact they are roughly 50% of the population.

Whenever you read an Op-Ed or pundit's writings putting down a woman's contribution to the American political system, just ask yourself how secure that ass is with her/his position in the system. Women are not the enemy.


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