Monday, January 22, 2007

Must Read IMHO

I'm directing attention to this article because it isn't coming from one of us wild-eyed lefties. This is a card-carrying Republican, but he sounds much like us. That is, he lives in the world of reality.
I spent many years in major professional and volunteer positions within the Republican Party, and was even a delegate supporting W’s father at the 1980 National Republican Convention in Detroit. So I do not come lightly to my concerns.

In my opinion, Bush is either incompetent, insane or morally corrupt. The scariest — and perhaps most likely, given the litany of his offenses — is that he’s a combination of all three. Our collective national consciousness has been anesthetized by the staggering number and enormity of the egregious acts committed by this president against our nation’s principles, its people, its resources and against the world at large.

Among these sins are his evisceration of the Bill of Rights through unlawful wiretaps, the opening of our personal mail, the interception of our Internet communications, data mining (including our banking transactions, credit card purchases, and airline travel) and the elimination of that cornerstone of American jurisprudence, habeas corpus.

To these, add his authorization to torture detainees, the creation of CIA “black site” prisons around the world, and his unscrupulous use of “signing statements” in a blatant attempt to create an imperial presidency of historic proportions.

And what of his unapologetic protection of corporate interests while blindly denying the existence of global warming?

With Congress and a majority of Americans now solidly against him, the megalomaniacal Bush remains amazingly unfazed by reality.

(read more)


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