Saturday, January 20, 2007

This is all well and good, but...

Who cares what Dobson thinks? Probably many, but certainly not I.
Focus on the Family Action Chairman James C. Dobson, Ph.D., issued the following statement today after an amendment to strip S. 1, a lobbying-reform bill, of a provision to place oppressive restrictions on grassroots groups passed on a 55-43 vote.

"The big winners in this battle are the American people. Getting rid of the onerous grass-roots lobbying restrictions in S.1 is a triumph of the representative form of government our founding fathers established 230 years ago.

"The very thing that Section 220 would have denied -- namely, the rights of citizens to know what's going on in Washington and to have an impact on the bills considered there -- is what fueled this victory. When Americans -- conservatives and liberals alike -- learned how these regulations would have stifled their free speech rights, millions stood up and said, 'We will not be silenced.'

"We're thankful for Utah Sen. Robert Bennett, who sponsored the amendment to remove Section 220 from S.1, and for Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, who shepherded this effort. They, and the 53 additional senators who voted to strike this oppressive provision from an otherwise laudable bill, have demonstrated both reverence for the Constitution and respect for the men and women who voted them into office.

"But the battle is far from over. Nancy Pelosi and House Democrats are reportedly planning an assault of their own. What is being illustrated here is a passion by congressional liberals to consolidate power and operate within a cloak of secrecy. It is unconscionable and unconstitutional. We will not be intimidated by attempts to criminalize those who would hold Washington accountable. The right to do so is as American as apple pie.

Huh? What was that last part? ...attempts to criminalize those who would hold Washington accountable... The right to do so is American as apple pie?

So to criminalize them is perfectly alright? Gotcha! You lose this round Mr Dobson.

I'm sorry I posted so much of his statement. My bad. I'll go to my corner now.

(read more)


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