Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Referencing my last post

I really don't want to get maudlin here, but may do so.

It's horrific to lose so many men and women in an illegal war. Their deaths and injuries are unjustified and painful.

But warriors who sign up for military duty know death and injury are part of the contract. They hope and pray they won't be inflicted, but they know its the rules of the game.

However, teenage girls who only want to live a "normal" life are not part of such a contract. They quite likely have no political allegiance and just want to go to school, hang out in the mall and be stupid like all of us did at that age.

Bush and his minions have ruined that for them and I will NEVER forgive him.

Would the same problems arise without Bush's imperialism? Not sure. But I do know he hasn't made the situation any better.

Can you imagine heading off to school or work and not knowing if you'll be shot or blown apart? This is the reality in Iraq.

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