Monday, September 10, 2007

US bribe insurgents to fight Al-Qaeda

What? Blackwater can't supply enough mercenaries? What is this world coming to?
AMERICAN forces are paying Sunni insurgents hundreds of thousands of dollars in cash to switch sides and help them to defeat Al-Qaeda in Iraq.

The tactic has boosted the efforts of American forces to restore some order to war-torn provinces around Baghdad in the run-up to a report by General David Petraeus, the US commander, to Congress tomorrow.

And the koinky-dinks just keep piling up. The New Osama tape (includes transcript)? Thompson's candidacy? Remembrance of 9/11?

No, I don't subscribe to conspiracy theories, well, not most, but I do point out Koinky-dinks. This seems like one gigantic dog and pony show to take people's minds off the "Petraeus" report.

Isn't this a perfect convergence of news for some people? Just asking.

Via BlackListedNews.

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