Wednesday, May 21, 2008

China's post-quake challenge: 5 million homeless

Five fucking million!!!1!!
China is grappling with the next massive task in the aftermath of its earthquake — how to shelter the 5 million people left homeless.

Many were living Tuesday in tent cities like one at the base of Qianfo mountain in the disaster zone, offering some stability — along with food and medical care — to those whose lives were upended.

"After the quake, we couldn't sleep for five days. We were really, really afraid," said Chen Shigui, a weathered 55-year-old farmer who climbed for two days with his wife and injured father to reach the camp from their mountain village. "I felt relieved when we got here. It's much safer compared to my home."

But there's not enough room to go around.

Note: Headline links to source.



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