Saturday, March 04, 2006

Digby Brings It All Together

Don't miss this Digby post on Hullabaloo. It is extremely well written and clearly identifies just how fucked up American politics are right now.

My prediction is the next vice president will be a busy person. I mean a president from either party because, although I would prefer a Democrat, I have faith many Republicans could do a far better job than Bush of running this country.

The new vice president will be busy as hell because the president will be far too busy trying to undo what Bush has ruined. The president will have to re-establish the Constitution and Bill of Rights, stop spying on Americans, stop torturing as common practice, deal with golbal warming and Medicare, figure out how to pay off the huge accumulated debt and kill tax advantages to the wealthy and subsidies to profiteering energy companies. All that and I haven't mentioned securing our ports. The list is effectively endless and a reasonable executive has to correct it all.

Without such corrections, America will cease to exist. That isn't alarmist talk, it's a fact our democracy can't survive without our ideals and fundamental beliefs. Our debt will sink us. Of course none of that matters if we can't control global warming. Some say "save the planet". Not necessary. Global warming won't kill the planet. Earth will survive. We won't.


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