Nuclear Energy For America

You have to go to my source for the info, but Americans are more willing to sacrifice to reduce oil consumption than they are willing to sacrifice on electricity. Not surprising at all.
Relax, I only have 4 charts. Charts courtesy of Gallup News Service.

Understandably, Republicans are more accepting of nuclear power plants than are Democrats. Understandable because businesses tend to run Republican.

But, and you probably knew this was coming. Americans want nuclear power plants but not in their own backyard.

To their credit Republicans are more willing to have a nuclear power plant located near them. See? I can give Republicans credit when they deserve it. Let's see, that's once so far this year.

Now for your lecture. We have to reduce all forms of energy usage and not just oil. Nuclear energy, although clean has its own problems, not the least of which is an increasing volume of spent fuel we don't know what to do with.
Your last comment about reducing all forms of energy use is the key. The cheapest, safest, cleanest energy is that which you don't use.
If you'd like an inside look at nuclear power, see the novel at my website. It's available at no cost to readers, who seem to like it, judging from their comments on the homepage.
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