Sunday, July 02, 2006

It Has To Be Said...

Bushco is attacking freedom of the press and should, at least, be ashamed of themselves.
"The assault on a free press during our own wartime should be recognized for what it is: another desperate ploy by officials trying to hide their own lethal mistakes in the shadows. It's the antithesis of everything we celebrate with the blazing lights of Independence Day."

We celebrate Independence Day soon. And independence from what? Independence from a monarchy. An independence that included specific establishment of a free and independent press. A press expected to scrutinize government and inform the American public about what its elected officials are doing. That's how we get informed citizens who know policy and can make intelligent judgements at the polls.

But Bushco is trying to, if they haven't already done so, establish a new monarchy. They can't pull that off with a free and independent press and informed citizens. They have to control what the people know. That's precisely why they lie. This is a power struggle and the press had better win or we're screwed.

(read more)


Anonymous Dr. Karthik Nagesh said...

That was a VERY interesting one! Seriously interesting.

5/09/2018 06:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Focal Dystonia said...

Thank you, that was just an awesome post!!!

6/12/2018 05:35:00 PM  

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