Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Must Read IMHO

This from P M Carpenter is quite interesting:
During the 2000 campaign, for instance, before he realized that five hypocrites could dispense with messy democracy and simply appoint a dictator, Bush shuffled slogans as quickly and easily as a deck of Iraqis-wanted cards.

Starting with read-my-lips, not-my-position-papers “Compassionate Conservatism,” he jumped to “Prosperity with a Purpose” when some began asking why they should trade the proven prosperity of Clinton-Gore for a flop of a businessman. When things looked grim after his New Hampshire primary loss to reform-talking John McCain, Bush then decided he was a “Reformer with Results.” Then, knowing he harbored no really good plans for real people, Bush hung the banner: “Real Plans for Real People.” (Swear to God I'm not making this history up. It's in the books.)

On the heels of "Real Plans for Real People," Bush mixed it up with “Real Purposes for Real People” and “Real Tax Relief for Real People,” finally deciding he actually offered “Real Savings for Real People.” The cymbal-crashing crescendo came when his stunningly obvious divisiveness prompted the deliverance of a “Uniter, not a divider.”

So just you wait. Bush is hard at work at a replacement slogan for "Stay the Course." It's sure to be a humdinger, full of things-will-change promise, signifying nothing.


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