The SPIIDERWEB™ person of the year award

This is a no-brainer. It has to be George Walker Bush. In keeping with TIME magazine's tradition of naming people who were positive influences or negative, he qualifies.
It can't be disputed, among intelligent people, no one else in the last year had a greater impact on the world.
George Walker Bush's actions and policies will change the makeup of the world for generations to come. Especially this is so in the US and Mid-East.
Thousands of American people will suffer for years because family and friends were sacrificed for Bush's hubris.
NKorea and Iran may well have nukular weapons soon as may Japan. Welcome to the new cold war.
None of this may matter because Bush has rejected the evidence of global warming and we may have much larger problems to worry about.
And I've not even bothered to remind you he is passing on his exorbitant spending to you, your children and grandchildren if not your great-grandchildren.
On top of all of this he has trashed the Constitution, Bill of Rights and personal privacy.
By torturing prisoners (forget that enemy combatant shit), he's alienated most of the countries of the world and humiliated the US. He's also guaranteed new legions of terrorists who want to harm the US and any country aligned with her.
Would all of these actions fly as platform planks in a bid for office? Just asking.
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