Saturday, January 27, 2007

Not sure I should post this. May piss off a few peeps

This in from the American Jewish Committee.

The American Jewish Committee welcomes the UN General Assembly resolution condemning Holocaust denial. One hundred and three member states co-sponsored the resolution, which was adopted today without a vote, underscoring the universal significance of the Holocaust. AJC extends its gratitude to all UN members who co-sponsored and supported the resolution.

Let me state right now, I don't deny the Holocaust. There's just too much evidence out there.

But UN resolutions and laws making it illegal to deny anything are ridiculous.

People should never be prosecuted for their thoughts and opinions unless they act upon them. A KKK member may hate blacks, but shouldn't be brought before a court unless that member does something wrong. Thinking isn't a crime.

I take the same stand against "hate crime" legislation. There are laws against tying a person behind a vehicle and dragging them until nearly dead. There are laws against beating a person or shooting them.

All that said, I do believe in conspiracy laws. Conspiring to commit a felony is criminal. The people involved have gone beyond thinking and believing to actually plan an action which is illegal.

I guess what I'm saying is this. Stiffen the existing laws if they're inadequate, but don't tack on "extra punishment" based on the perpetrator's state of mind and don't deny anyone the right to think things most of us don't believe.


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