Thursday, February 01, 2007

Blogger labels

Just an FYI. The "new and improved" Blogger includes labels. They are only attached to posts I've made after switching over, but they are pretty kewl.

Perhaps I could go through my archives and label past posts, but I'm far too lazy to do that.

If you click on a label, Blogger will display any posts I've made including that label.

Of course, this works for anyone else on Blogger who labels their posts.

You can also do a Google™ search using the search feature on the sidebar of SPIIDERWEB™. It will pick up all archived posts although I find it to be a PITA (pain in the ass). The results won't always take you to a post. Sometimes the results take you to a page that includes the archived post. So you have to click on the older archived dates.

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