Wednesday, February 28, 2007

I don't "do" celebrities, but...

This I can't wait for.
The kung fu movie fan's ultimate fantasy is set to become reality.

Jackie Chan and Jet Li said in their blogs Wednesday that they're ready to team up in a Hollywood film for the first time, a move that would bring together two of the biggest names in action cinema.

Chan said on his Web site that his next movie will be "The J&J Project," as the planned film is currently known.

On his blog, Li confirmed the partnership.

Truth is, because of the enormous toll on his body and his age, I doubt Jackie Chan has many more years of action film-making. I'm a huge fan of his and of Jet Li. This ought to be good because neither has, in my opinion, chosen a stinker to date.

Oh yeah, it does my heart good to finally hear these guys described as "two of the biggest names in action cinema". They are, but were scorned by Hollywood for many years because they were "different". Van Damme, Banderas (which can be spelled Banderas or Bandaras) and Schwarzenegger? Oh yeah, they aren't Asian.

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