Thursday, February 15, 2007

President Bush in a nut house shell

During today's White House press conference, President Bush was asked if he thought Iraq is in the middle of a civil war.

The President replied: "It's hard for me living in this beautiful White House1 to give you an assessment, a first hand assessment. I haven't been there2. You have, I haven't. But I do talk to people who are3 and people whose judgment I trust4 and they would not qualify it as that. There are others who think it is5."

1 Read the word bubble.
2 A bold-faced lie and we've the pix to prove it.
3 Probably a lie. I doubt if he talks to anyone in Iraq.
4 That would be Cheney and Barney.
5 So my decision as the "decider" is...maybe?


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