Sunday, March 18, 2007

US Attorney purge

Just had to weigh in on this. My personal life is still sixes and sevens, but this is something a blogger can't ignore.

Something has been bothering me about this whole US Attorney purge. Considering the number of US attorneys in the US, and only 8 were purged, how many others were willing to play ball?

Here’s where I’m coming from. Recognize I’m projecting my own position onto the attorneys in question. I’ve had choices to risk my career or “go along”.

In my corporate life I’ve often been pressured to “rethink” my analysis and conclusions on this or that subject. After initially protesting this as something akin to bullshit (a word I did use), I agreed. The reason I acquiesced is I knew full well I was more intelligent than the idiot who wanted a cooked report.

So, I consented to revisit my assumptions, analysis and conclusions and report back. Then I would choose the middle ground which didn’t include lies nor the final results requested (demanded?), but fell slightly short of complete honesty. However the resulting reports, which the idiots couldn’t really comprehend, came very close to the original report without being too blatant. Often my managers would receive extreme heat from their superiors who also didn’t want to hear the whole truth. Perhaps that’s why I didn’t get promoted as did the toadies.

Don’t get me wrong, I worked for some managers who didn’t want to hear what I had to say, but decided I was right and changed their positions. It happens. Not often, but it does. Everyone has a strong sense of self-preservation.

So this isn’t a condemnation of even a large number of the non-purged attorneys. Its quite possible they proceeded with investigations they knew were a waste of time at least and probably totally bogus. I’m no attorney, but am quite certain its possible to investigate Dem voter fraud for example with, shall we say, less than full enthusiasm, but it keeps the wolves from the door. I’m hoping this is the case.

My thinking is US attorneys are ambitious and seek power, authority and respect as do many of us, but those things come from intelligent judicial decisions and not from the stroking they get from the administration in power. They have a sense of morality and ethics and aren’t about to prostitute themselves just to hold onto their positions. This is a belief I honestly hope is true.

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