Monday, August 27, 2007

China says worried by drug resistant pneumonia

Sometimes its the little things you should be worried about, like drug resistant bacteria.
Almost 70 percent of child pneumonia patients in a recent Chinese survey were resistant to drugs used to treat the disease due to overuse of antibiotics, the Health Ministry said on Monday.

The figure climbed to nearly 90 percent in a more targeted study of three children's hospitals in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou, said the official Health News, published by the ministry.


Experts almost universally agree that antibiotics are overused around the world, and that this overuse has helped new, drug-resistant strains of bacteria to evolve.

And its not just overuse of antibiotics, its a matter of people's stopping taking them when they feel better. That means they don't kill all the bacteria and the ones left are that much stronger.

Via Reuters.

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Blogger Jess Wundrun said...

What? Evolution? Remember we don't even believe that species can evolve. Much less evolve to the point of wiping us out.

Praise Jeebus!

8/28/2007 12:58:00 AM  
Blogger SPIIDERWEB™ said...

You're right. Nothing to worry about. Darwin was a git who had hair brained ideas.

Silly me for even posting this.

8/28/2007 01:56:00 AM  

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