Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Sarkozy repeats the big lie about Iran

Has the Bush administration got to him? Is he an idiot? Has he gotten too much sun?

An article appeared in the Times (UK) yesterday with this headline: "Sarkozy talks of bombing if Iran gets nuclear arms". Here's the first three paragraphs:

President Sarkozy called Iran’s nuclear ambition the world’s most dangerous problem yesterday and raised the possibility that the country could be bombed if it persisted in building an atomic weapon.

Later in the article come references to Iran's "nuclear aims" and how "a nuclear-armed Iran would be unacceptable." Charitably, one might describe all these references as indirect quotes, but not once does the article include even the most cursory of boilerplate language noting the fact that Iran has denied any such intention and that there isn't the slightest evidence that it is "building an atomic weapon."

Out of such subtleties is public opinion in the world of the "free press" molded.

Do any of you seriously think an attack on Iran is NOT inevitable? Spare me.

Be prepared for stamps that limit how much you can get, how much gas is available to you. Anyone for war stamps? Raise your hands.

Before WWII people were fat and happy. The world was their oyster. Duh!

Then came WWII and people couldn't buy sugar, tires, milk. This is how WW IV will be. Your nice comfortable world will be destroyed. Think something just short of Terminator. Israel and Bush are moving toward this and now France has joined the parade.

And Bush, France and the US congress are pushing for a third world war in theory by applyng pressure on Iran. Is Iran innocent? Who the fuck knows, but they are right now.

Cross posted at Brilliant at Breakfast.

Via Left Eye on the News.



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