Thursday, February 07, 2008

Despite Warnings, Tornadoes Kill 55

Volunteer fireman, Adrian DeBruin, sits
with Carrie DeBruin, amongst the damage
in Lafayette Tenn., Wednesday, Feb. 6,
2008. (AP Photo/Frederick Breedon)

Is it just me or does that headline imply the dead got what they deserved? If that doesn't do it for ya, how about the sub headline?

Twisters Kill at Least 55 Across the South, Despite Repeated Warnings From Forecasters

Once you get into the story (note my emphasis) the people are given a break.

Perhaps, to be fair, its impossible to convey the information warnings were given without unintentionally suggesting people were stupid.
One man pulled a couch over his head. Bank employees rushed into the vault. A woman trembled in her bathroom, clinging to her dogs. College students huddled in dormitories.

Tornado warnings had been broadcast for hours, and when the sirens finally announced that the twisters had arrived, many people across the South took shelter and saved their lives. But others simply had nowhere safe to go, or the storms proved too powerful, too numerous, too unpredictable.

At least 55 people were killed and hundreds injured Tuesday and Wednesday by dozens of tornadoes that plowed across Mississippi, Arkansas, Tennessee, Kentucky and Alabama. It was the nation's deadliest barrage of twisters in almost 23 years.

Now you may have noticed I labeled this as "humor disgusting". Watch for the emphasis in the next paragraph.
President Bush gave assurances his administration stood ready to help. Teams from the Federal Emergency Management Agency were sent to the region and activated an emergency center in Georgia.

"Loss of life, loss of property; prayers can help, and so can the government," Bush said. "I do want the people in those states to know the American people are standing with them."

Ya gotta love the fucking idiot. The destruction caused by Katrina devastated the people and the city of New Orleans which still haven't been "helped". Didn't he "assure" the people of NOLO too? What a maroon.

Via ABC News.



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