Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Porous Port Problems

Got here via Mahablog who linked to

From the LA Times.

Dubai Ports World, like the foreign companies that already run the majority of key U.S. ports — including 80% of the terminals in Los Angeles — does not own the points of entry. It is a contractor that coordinates logistics.

I call bullshit. This is exactly what most people miss..."logistics". By definition, "1 : the aspect of military science dealing with the procurement, maintenance, and transportation of military matériel, facilities, and personnel.". This from Merriam-Webster Online.

Dirty bombs or any bombs for that matter might resonably be considered "military"? The management of the ports includes movement of stuff coming thru the port. If they control that, it makes no difference if Homeland Security is around. They can by-pass them. Managers manage. They give orders and others follow those orders. They can direct incoming containers anywhere they want.

If Dubai were squeeky clean, this might not be a problem, but it is hardly innocent. Two of the 9/11 terrorists were from UAE and it is generally accepted the country's banks funnel money to terrorists. Not good. British companies who now control the ports are trusted allies.

Maybe North Korean companies are excellent managers of ports, but we don't want them involved in our country. I contend UAE is little better, but they do have more oil. [snark]


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