Sunday, March 05, 2006

American Red Cross Wastes Donated Monies

I'm pretty sure this is gonna get a lot of play in newspapers and on the internets. It seems the Red Cross has been hiring PR types to improve their image and attract Hollywood stars to speak for them.
THE American Red Cross has come under fire over payments to publicists who recruited stars to add lustre to its image, even as funds ran short for victims of Hurricane Katrina.

Of course the Red Cross responds that it was money well spent and has brought in new financial donations, volunteers and donated blood.

A little aside - do you really think Proctor and Gamble, Toyota and Anheuser -Busch would throw away millions on advertising if it didn't pay off for them? Just asking.

But here it gets really good. This is the crux of this post and may save the Red Cross a little grief. Well it might if anyone reads this.
Some of the media sniping seems disingenuous, however. How many news organisations would really have sent reporters to cover the Red Cross’s campaign to vaccinate 13m children in Kenya? They did when Jane Seymour, the actress, went along.

(read more)


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