The Next Abramhoff Fallout?

Ya see, this Ryun guy bought a house at a suspiciously lower price than one might expect it to sell for.
Rep. Jim Ryun on Wednesday denied allegations that he received a “sweet real estate deal” on a town house from a nonprofit group with connections to lobbyist Jack Abramoff.
Ryun, a Kansas Republican, bought the historic Capitol Hill town house for $410,000 on Dec. 15, 2000. That was $19,000 less than the U.S. Family Network paid for the home about two years earlier in January 1999, despite a sharp rise in local real estate values in that time.
The house is valued at $764,310 for the 2007 tax year, but that's probably much higher than fair market value. Just threw that in so people can compare to their house's valuation.
Anyway now it gets better because the US Family Network who sold him the house was founded by Ed Buckham who used to be an aide to Tom DeLay.
When in history has their been so much inbreeding? No wonder they're all stupid. They probably share the same ancestors. And I don't mean in the very distant past.
To be fair, Ryan claims a housing inspector found problems with the house that would cost $20k to fix and no real estate agent fee was required. Now let's see if it comes out the inspector has connections to Abramoff or DeLay or Cunningham or Halliburton or... Well, the cast of available conections is longer than the voting rolls in Kansas.
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