Bloggers Aren't Real Journalists

See the thing is, you can trust "real" journalists with, ya know, editors and all. Them bloggers are just loose cannons who answer to no one. No links to back that up. You've read it many times.
This from
At the same time, he [Dim Son] offered a restrained answer to Iran's announcement earlier in the day that it would wait until late August to respond to the most recent proposal from the United States and five other nations. The proposal offers economic, political and technological incentives if Iran suspends its nuclear program. The United States and its partners fear that Tehran is trying to build a nuclear weapon; Iran insists that its pursuit of uranium enrichment is solely for the peaceful use of nuclear energy.
"It shouldn't take the Iranians that long to analyze what is a reasonable deal," Bush said.
I'll admit that is a restrained answer. Most reasonable people would respond in such a manner. Now here is how that same thing was reported in the Boston Globe.
Though he received the European leaders' support on Iran, Bush expressed frustration with Tehran's slow reaction to an offer of incentives and negotiations to resolve the nuclear issue. President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad announced yesterday that Iran would not respond to the offer until Aug. 22.
"It seems like an awful long time for a reasonable answer," Bush said. "It shouldn't take the Iranians that long to analyze what is a reasonable deal. I said weeks, not months." [emphasis mine]
Those are a hell of a lot different takes on exactly the same item, eh?
My guess is most lefty bloggers would never have reported that as a "restrained answer" and we are only reading the words. We weren't there to hear how The Idiot™ punched those words. I'm sure he didn't whine or pout. That picture is most likely his expression at the time.
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