Important: A Blog Post From Nancy Pelosi On Student Loans

In case you didn't know it. Nancy Pelosi often blogs.
By House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi on Politics
Higher education is the single best investment our young people can make in themselves. Higher education is the single best investment families can make in the success of their children. Higher education is the single best investment our nation can make in its future. Yet financial barriers will prevent 4.4 million high school graduates from attending a four-year public college over the next decade, while 2 million high school graduates will attend no college at all.
On July 1, the interest rates on outstanding federal student loans are going to rise to 7.14 percent-the highest rate in six years-and the rate on outstanding federal parent loans will rise to 7.94 percent. College students and their parents should seriously consider consolidating their loans before June 30th. House Democrats have a New Direction for America that includes a plan to cut student loan interest rates in half. But until we can pass legislation that will reduce the burden on our young people, America’s working families remain at the mercy of the student loan industry and their Republican allies here in Congress.
To see how much you would save under the Democratic plan, click here.
At the same time, Congress is cutting funding for student loans.
And I chose that photo for a reason. Minorities are the ones hardest hit by any cuts in student loans. In addition women, because they are usually paid less than their male counterparts, will find it more difficult to pay off student loans.
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I agree with everything you say. Its my opinion the feds should do a minimum of 3 things at the very least.
1. Make education affordable/free. Perhaps totally free through high school and affordable beyond that. And I mean free as in "no outlay at all by the student". No charge for yearbooks, uniforms (PE), books or anything.
2. Ensure everyone gets affordable/free health care. That is affordable health care for working adults and free health care for non-working adults and children.
3. Feed anyone in society who hasn't the ability to provide for themselves. Food banks should be stocked by government and not have to rely on private citizens' largesse.
Yeah, I might be a socialist considering my position, but these 3 things are essential.
Congratulation for your graduation
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