Thursday, June 29, 2006

Must Read IMHO

This is from Truthdig via A Tiny Revolution. Its a very powerful article.
In reality both Abu Ghraib and Haditha were merely more extreme versions of the day-to-day workings of the American occupation in Iraq, and what makes them unique is not so much how bad they were, or how embarrassing, but the fact that they made their way to the media and were publicized despite attempts to cover them up. Focusing on Abu Ghraib and Haditha distracts us from the daily, little Abu Ghraibs and small-scale Hadithas that have made up the occupation. The occupation has been one vast extended crime against the Iraqi people, and most of it has occurred unnoticed by the American people and the media.

I believe that any journalist who spent even a brief period embedded with American soldiers must have witnessed crimes being committed against innocent Iraqis, so I have always been baffled by how few were reported and how skeptically the Western media treated Arabic reports of such crimes. These crimes were not committed because Americans are bad or malicious; they were intrinsic to the occupation, and even if the Girl Scouts had occupied Iraq they would have resorted to these methods. In the end, it is those who dispatched decent young American men and women to commit crimes who should be held accountable.

(full article)


Blogger ntodd said...

These crimes were not committed because Americans are bad or malicious; they were intrinsic to the occupation, and even if the Girl Scouts had occupied Iraq they would have resorted to these methods. In the end, it is those who dispatched decent young American men and women to commit crimes who should be held accountable.

Right on the money. Though I think the Scouts would hand out cookies instead of candy...

7/01/2006 08:14:00 PM  
Blogger E. Normus Johnson said...

I think it's in the nature of aggressive war: partisans were alwaystrying to fuck over the occupying German troops.

And the occupying troops regularly fucked over the people.

Israel and the Palestinian territories-- ditto.

I was going to disagree with you on this one, Spiidey; as I see this as part and parcel of a breakdown in discipline from the platoon level right up to NCA (that dumb son-of-a-bitch).

But the breakdown in discipline is directly attributable to the immorality of the invasion and occupation.

Jumpin' jeebus on a pogo stick, but this is ugly.

7/02/2006 10:53:00 AM  
Blogger SPIIDERWEB™ said...

And it will only get uglier the longer we're there, unfortunately.

7/02/2006 10:57:00 AM  

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