Friday, June 16, 2006

Progressives Are So Bad At Predictions

I ran into this while looking for something else. Wonder how he feels now. He couldn't have been more wrong if he had been trying.
Baghdad ledger checkpoints

By Mark Steyn [March 29, 2004]

Just under a year ago, Baghdad fell. A great day, or so you would think — especially after the idiotic predictions of how the city would be a new Stalingrad, with coalition troops fighting street to street for months on end.

But, instead of even a moment of sheepish embarrassment, all the experts — the United Nations, the French, the world's media, the nongovernmental organizations and the left in general — simply galloped on to even more idiotic predictions of doom.

On April 12 last year, I wrote a column mocking the global naysayers' latest Top 10 Quagmires Of The Week.

If it seems cruel to dredge them up, I do so because, the current ballyhoo from Democrats would make you think the administration policy in this area has been a disaster. It hasn't. Indeed, for 2½ years now, the naysayers to the Bush-Cheney-Rumsfeld-Rice approach to the war on terror have been close to 100 percent wrong on everything.

John Kerry, in his macho way, told Rolling Stone, apropos the Iraq war, that he never expected President Bush to f*** it up so much. In fact, Mr. Bush didn't asterisk it up at all. It's one of the least asterisked-up operations in history. [cosmetic change because indents didn't work] [emphasis mine].

Here at SPIIDERWEB™ we don't have to be so PC. Yes Steyn, Bushco fucked up big time. And they aren't even finished. There are many more deaths to come before we get the flower parade as liberators.

This just happened last Friday.
A shoe bomber blew himself up inside an important Shiite Mosques during Friday prayers, killing at least 10 people and wounding 20, as violence persisted in the capital despite a massive security operation [75,000 troops] aimed at restoring order.

It seems cruel to dredge this up, but you started it more than 2 years ago.

You can read more of this genius pundit at the Washington Times.


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