You Are In Danger!

I lifted this comment from Agitprop by Divajood.
This is a quote from Nazi leader Herman Goering: "Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to do the bidding of the leaders. All you have to do is tell them that they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country."
And, I might add, it always pays to scare the people fairly close to election time to be sure they keep the bad guys in office.
All true, but I want to take a different tack on this story.
The problem is the left grabbing this to yell the sky is falling. Come on now. This is what you pay the intelligence communities and law enforcement organisations to do. I'm sure many more terrorist plots are thwarted all the time. Out of 250 million people, there have to be a hefty number of screwballs who are sitting around "planning" to attack something. And I'm certain of that because Bushco has continually whipped the populace into a fearful frenzy. Those near the edge begin to fall over it.
So its fair to blame the Bushcos for catapulting this story out here for US to salivate over, but give the intelligence and law enforcement people props for doing a good job. In this case it makes perfect sense to shoot the messenger (only).
I agree. The problem is probably everyone's claiming these clowns presented more of a threat than they actually did.
Bushco needs them to scare US with and the intelligence and law enforcement people want to look good. Little chance the top dogs in any of these groups will really level with US.
At least this seems more like good old fashioned spin as opposed to blatant lies.
Ever since abandoning the color-coded terror alert system Bush & co. have been looking at new ways to whip up fear. It looks like this has worked.
We got terror 24/7. But I sense US ain't buying it anymore. At least I hope not.
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