Friday, September 22, 2006
About Me
- Location: Djibouti
Spent many years programming, mostly mainframes. Been in business for myself, sky dived, scuba dived, practiced karate (until the broken ribs & finger), driven a sprint car (unreal). Want the US to be great again and worry it's impossible. I consider myself a moderate because I believe most Americans don't approve of torture, do want everyone to have health care, a pension and/or a job, privacy, freedom and NO WAR. Not too radical. I use profanity like a sailor so you should leave if you are sensitive.

Previous Posts
- Remember This Guy?
- Here's Hoping
- No conspiracy theory here
- I'm back…sort of
- It must be nice to be able to blame everyone else ...
- Best. Campaign. Video. Ever.
- John McCain: Craven suckup and liar
- Can we put the DLC consultants out to pasture now?
- Hiatus!!
- That Mel Gibson incident

Bloggers Against Torture

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Oh my Spiiderweb!!!! I'm so sorry to hear about your accident, my friend. I apologize for not posting while you were gone, but I have a couple other blogs and it's getting insane at this point! (I'm having fun of course, but it can be too much sometimes!).
You used a chair with wheels as a step stool? You're lucky you didn't break your neck!! I'm so glad that you're okay though. Yes, you have some broken bones, but at least you're upright and are able to walk!!!
Glad you're back. :-)
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