Sunday, November 05, 2006

The Glass Ceiling

For this woman, the ceiling is exceedingly high:
Katharine Jefferts Schori was ordained just 12 years before becoming the first female primate and presiding bishop of the US branch of the Anglican church.

A quiet and compassionate woman with a sharp intellect, Jefferts Schori is a member of the US Episcopal Church's liberal majority and favored the ordination of openly-gay bishop Gene Robinson in 2003 and church blessings for same-sex unions.

While her election in June was hailed as a victory for women in the 2.3-million-member Episcopal Church, conservatives warned it could make it harder for the church to remain in the 77-million-member worldwide Anglican Communion.

In a message read out at her investiture Saturday at the Washington National Cathedral, The Archbishop of Canterbury, the religious leader of the global church, sent his prayers and best wishes to Jefferts Schori.

"She will take on this responsibility in the most challenging times, but she will be supported by the good will and prayers of very many in the USA and around the world as she strives to lead faithfully, honestly and collaboratively," he said.

Would it be inappropriate to say, "You go girl!"? I don't care. I'll say it anyway.

(read more)


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