Tuesday, February 13, 2007

The logistics of a SURGE™

This is a pretty good article about the problems of logistically supporting 140,000 fighting personnel. If Bush sends in 21,000 more soldiers he needs thousands more to support them. And keep in mind that anyone in Iraq is a target.
As the theater commander Gen. John P. Abizaid told Congress last week, psychologically and bureaucratically, the budget, the personal lives of the soldiers and the institutions involved can't shoulder nor sustain any significant increase.


Someone has to operate the gyms, the internet cafes, provide the hot meals and hot water, the amenities that far too many in uniform expect and "require" at their bases. It is just a reality of U.S. military culture that the build-up (and the care and feeding of) the desk warriors and sustainers in the Green Zone, at Camp Victory at the old Saddam International Airport and at mega-bases like Balad is mightily responsible for the military failure on the ground.

But ol' bubble boy doesn't worry about such trifles. He's on a mission to salvage his legacy.

(read more)

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