Wednesday, October 31, 2007


I'm talking Mother Nature here. Never sure whether to capitalize that, but it seems very appropriate.

If you love thunder and lightening, you would want to be here now. The lightening flashes, challenging the brightness of the sun and seconds later the thunder claps. No, not some way off. I mean right here so it rattles the windows and shakes the walls.


I used to go to the Pacific shore in February to watch Mother throw tree trunks around like toothpicks.

I've experienced a huge earthquake and a storm with 120 mph (193 kph) winds. Momma didn't want me to go out into the storm, but I couldn't resist it.

I was also hiking on a mountain on a nice, sunny day when Mother decided to send freezing rain down. Although my car wasn't far, I thought I'd die before reaching it.

Oh yeah, there was the "little" walk in SE Asia where I was sure Mother would kill me from the heat before getting back to the comfort of a fan.

Mother Nature amazes me...often.

Your experiences are not only welcome, but encouraged.



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