Tuesday, November 06, 2007

The 2007 Weblog Awards

First of all, congratulations to Echidne of the Snakes for her making the Best of the Top 1001-1750 Blogs. She certainly deserves to be in the finals.

Going from her site to the Weblog Awards I did a search on "spiiderweb" just for the hell of it.

Jesus H Christ with bad nails, jonswift.myopenid.com nominated SPIIDERWEB™ in the Weblog Awards category: Best of the Rest of the Blogs (8751+).

As the people in Hollywood say, its an honor to be nominated. In my case its absolutely true. Out of the millions of blogs out there, its great to think SPIIDERWEB™ can resonate with some.

Thank you, Jon. You're too kind.

Congratulations also, Jon, for making the cut as Funniest Blog. I read every post you do and love 'em all. Here's hoping you win.

It's nice to see some of my favorite bloggers up for an award. Obviously the Weblog Awards participants have excellent taste.

I expect about as many votes as Barney would get, but its fun anyway.



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