Thursday, February 23, 2006

Catapulting Propaganda

The thing is it works. By constantly reminding Americans how dangerous Iran is, the Bush regime has made them the most dangerous country in 1/3 of Americans' minds. In a new Gallup poll, Iran is the top vote getter for the first time.
More Americans consider Iran the United States' greatest enemy today than any other country, according to Gallup's annual World Affairs survey. Iraq, North Korea, and China are also mentioned frequently by Americans as the United States' greatest enemy. This poll marks the first time that Iran has topped the list as the United States' greatest enemy; in previous years, Iraq or North Korea ranked first. Republicans are more likely than Democrats, and men are more likely than women, to say Iran is the country's greatest enemy.

The results are:

31% Iran
22% Iraq
15% Korea/North Korea (non-specific)
10% China

I would have voted Canada, but what do I know?

A couple things occur to me. The first is that Bush and the gang haven't catapulted enough about Venezuela yet. They will.

The second thing is, being somewhat anal, I would like to know if "enemy" was defined or if it was left to the subjects to supply their own. Seriously I would have to rate North Korea at the top. They have the potential to draw us into a huge conflict somewhere down the line. Iraq is not an enemy. We aren't fighting Iraq, we are fighting a faction (several now) of its people, but the Iraqi Military is on our side, right?

Now, back to "enemy". If it is economic enemy rather than military enemy, China has to shoot to the top. They have easily leap frogged over Japan in that category. Who'd a thot? Then again, with our agreements with Taiwan...well the potential for problems with China are there, but Bush doesn't worry about any agreements we've signed onto so we're safe for 3 years anyway.


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