Feeling Secure? Well Don't #4

A while back I posted that most Americans are certain the government is not spying on them. Bush is just after those old terrorists. Most Americans could be wrong. It seems the government has asked for search and internet records from 34 companies. That's right, 34! Via Matt Cutts: Gadgets, Google and SEO
The full list of companies subpoenaed by the Department of Justice includes: 711Net (Mayberry USA), American Family Online, AOL, ATT, Authentium, Bell South, Cable Vision, Charter Communications, Comcast Cable Company, Computer Associates, ContentWatch, Cox Communications, EarthLink, Google, Internet4Families, LookSmart, McAfee, MSN, Qwest, RuleSpace, S4F (Advance Internet Management), SafeBrowse, SBC Communications, Secure Computing Corp., Security Software Systems, SoftForYou, Solid Oak Software, Surf Control, Symantec, Time Warner, Tucows (Mayberry USA), United Online, Verizon, and Yahoo.
Any of those companies happen to be your ISP, search engine or anti-virus software? Yeah, I thought so. But I'm sure you have nothing to worry about. You know you can trust Big Brother. Mwahahaha.
Now this isn't the NSA. Its the Department of Justice which is trying to uphold the 1998 Child Online Protection Act (COPA). But the data will be collected and will be within the government and can be used by other agencies if Bush decides it can.
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