Links R Us

I've never done this before. Surprising because I'm so lazy, but there is just too much good stuff out there and it would be a shame if you missed any of it. So here are the links in no particular order.
First up is this article via Bad Attitudes. It is about paperless voting and why you should fear it. The implications are clear. You should get involved. Volunteers can help with polling and the more eyes the better chance no one will pull a fast one. You should also demand a paper ballot. Vote absentee if necessary, but give investigators the tools to verify the election.
Next up we have this transcript of the Imus in the Morning radio show via Back to Iraq. Warning: do not go there if you have just eaten or are just about to. This is seriously sick shit. The subject is recently release hostage Jill Carroll.
Then there's Molly Ivins. Regular readers probably anticipated this one. She's from Texas and knows of borders and fences and she says they aren't the answer. I like the little contest where they erected a chain link fence and contestants had to get from one side to the other. Fastest was 30 seconds.
Another is this story via Agitprop concerning the dustup over Scalia's alleged obscene gesture in church. Conclusion: its true. And they have the picture and Scalia quoted.
Glenn Greenwald has another excellent post. This one debunks the wingers who claim the following.
A panel of former Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court judges yesterday told members of the Senate Judiciary Committee that President Bush did not act illegally when he created by executive order a wiretapping program conducted by the National Security Agency (NSA).
This one comes from one of my few commenters. The link is to his biography which is essential to establish his expertise. There is a link to his blog where he offers a free e-book (not tiny) about nuclear energy. Very interesting reading.
I've spotted some more good things and will post them
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